How Much Does It Cost To Get Started With Permaculture? (Is It Profitable?)

One of the topics that come up often about getting into permaculture is the cost of getting started. Many people find it daunting because they believe that apart from permaculture taking a lot of time and patience, it also takes a lot of money. Plus, how can it be profitable when competing against modern agricultural…

Does Peat Moss Have A Place In A Permaculture Garden?

Peat moss is frequently used by gardeners. However, as a permaculture gardener, it is important to delve a little deeper and look at the true cost of everything we use in our gardens. Peat moss has long been prized by gardeners. But this is a material which may not have a place in a permaculture…

10 Popular (Easy To Grow) Plants For Permaculture

Permaculture isn’t just a trend; it is a way of life for many. Sure, some people do it for social media likes and woke points. But there are those, such as the Jaguar de Madera project,  that are changing their communities by lifting people out of poverty while restoring dignity. To do it properly requires…

Are Goats Good For A Permaculture Homestead? (What You Need To Know)

Goats can be a blessing in small numbers but a curse when overstocked, so you need to know a few things before getting some. They are highly intelligent and entertaining animals with several permaculture uses, but if you have too many, they will raze your garden to the ground. Goats are good for a permaculture…

How To Control Soil Erosion In A Permaculture Garden

Soil is the foundation of permaculture gardens, so it is vital to prevent the loss of soils through erosion. Luckily, there are a variety of commonly-used permaculture practices that can effectively control soil erosion. Soil erosion in permaculture gardens can be controlled by cover-cropping, mulching, incorporating organic matter into the soil, and growing perennial plants.…

The Differences Between Permaculture And Organic Gardening

Within the last few decades or so, the earth has suffered massive environmental changes from both natural events as well as mankind's irresponsible actions that affect the animals and plant life. Both Permaculture and Organic Gardening are a response to correct some of these issues but what are the differences? Permacultures' primary focus is not…

Can Permaculture Be Done Without Animals? (Here’s The Answer)

Domesticated animals are a common sight in permaculture systems. But is it possible to practice permaculture without animals? Fortunately, the answer is an emphatic ‘yes’! Permaculture systems can be designed and managed without domesticated animals. Plant-based strategies can fulfill the same functions usually performed by animals in permaculture systems, including processing organic wastes, providing soil…

Organic Mosquito Control (Natural Methods You Need To Know)

Using natural organic methods sounds idyllic, learning to work with nature rather than fight against it. Yes, co-habituating with deer, squirrels, and aphids means accepting that some food will have bites in it and the occasional plant destroyed. But it is fine––until the mosquitoes arrive. Those bloodsuckers make life so uncomfortable you begin rethinking your…

5 Disadvantages Of Organic Farming: Is It Worth It?

The public perception is that food grown organically is much healthier, and organic farming is more environmentally friendly. Organic agriculture differs significantly from conventional agriculture, which brings both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of organic farming are it is labor-intensive, sensitive to economic decline, requires more planning, and can’t benefit from synthetic chemicals. The advantages…

What’s The Differences Between Agroforestry And Permaculture?

Agroforestry and permaculture are distinct but complementary approaches. These approaches aim to create sustainable relations between people and nature. Though closely related, agroforestry and permaculture are not the same. Agroforestry is a specific agricultural approach that combines trees with perennial and annual plants and livestock to create synergistic, integrated production zones. Permaculture is principally a…

Find Out Why Ducks Are Good For A Homestead

If you’re wondering about adding some poultry to your homestead, you might be thinking chickens or turkeys, but how about some ducks? Provided you have a plentiful supply of water for duck bathing, like a borehole, or small pond, ducks can fulfill many of the same roles as chickens, and in many ways, they are…

5 Ways To Harvest Rainwater For Your Permaculture Garden

Water is by far the most valuable resource in a Permaculture Garden. There are no gardens, no grazing, no trees, and hence no sustainability on any farm or homestead if there is no water. Harvesting, diverting, storing, and reusing as much water as possible is usually emphasized in permaculture design, whether above or below ground…

What Is Urine Permaculture? (Find Out Here)

So, you’ve adopted the philosophy of permaculture and are working with nature in the management of your homestead. You thoughtfully observe what’s happening on the land and see how everything works together to be self-sustaining. Well, what could be more natural than urine, right? Urine can be used in permaculture as a nitrogen boost for…

5 Ways To Learn Permaculture For Free

There seems to be a great amount of interest about learning permaculture these days. It also seems that many people who practice permaculture want to send people who inquire about it to permaculture design courses to get their education about permaculture. While I think there is certainly a time and place for many to take…