Herb Spirals: Maximizing Planting Space Efficiently

For those who have been delving into permaculture and sustainable gardening, the term ‘herb spiral’ might sound familiar. An emblematic design of permaculture, the herb spiral embodies efficiency, diversity, and sustainability. In this post, we’ll dive deep into what herb spirals are, why they work so well, and how you can build and plant in one.

Herb Spirals: Maximizing Planting Space Efficiently

What is an Herb Spiral?

An herb spiral is essentially a three-dimensional garden bed. It’s a spiraled mound, typically made of stone or brick, that allows for planting in a condensed space. Not only does it offer visual appeal to your garden, but the design also serves practical purposes.

How It Works

  1. Microclimates: One of the most notable features of the herb spiral is its ability to create different microclimates. The top is dry and receives the most sun, whereas the bottom is cooler and moist. This design allows you to plant a diverse range of herbs in one spot based on their individual needs.
  2. Efficient Watering: Due to its spiral structure, water flows from the top down, ensuring efficient watering. Plants that need more water can be placed at the bottom, and those requiring less can reside at the top.
  3. Space Saving: The spiral design also maximizes planting space. Instead of spreading out horizontally, you’re taking advantage of vertical space.

Building Your Own Herb Spiral

  1. Selecting a Location: Choose a sunny location, preferably receiving 6-8 hours of sunlight a day.
  2. Laying the Foundation: Begin by marking the center of your spiral with a stake. Using a rope or hose, create the spiral shape around this center. Aim for a diameter of 5-6 feet and a height of about 3-4 feet.
  3. Building Upwards: Lay your chosen materials (stones, bricks, etc.) by following the marked spiral, building up layer by layer.
  4. Filling in: Add a layer of coarse gravel at the base for drainage. Then, gradually fill the spiral with layers of compost, soil, and coarse sand, ensuring a rich base for your herbs.

Planting in Your Herb Spiral

  1. Top Planting: Here, you should plant herbs that prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight, like rosemary and thyme.
  2. Mid-level Planting: Herbs like basil, cilantro, and chives appreciate a balance of sun and moisture, making the middle levels of the spiral ideal.
  3. Lower-level and Base Planting: Opt for herbs that enjoy cooler conditions or those that require more water, such as mint or parsley. You can even consider a small pond or a moisture-loving plant at the very bottom to benefit from the water run-off.
  4. Consider Sunlight Preferences: Some herbs love full sun while other can tolerate or even thrive in slight shade. Therefore, in the northern hemisphere, you would plant the more sun-loving plants to the south and shade-tolerant tolerant to the north.

More Tips for Your Herb Spiral

  • Companion Planting: Just as with traditional gardens, consider which plants help or hinder each other. For instance, chives can benefit roses, and basil can help tomatoes thrive, which could be planted near the spiral for the benefits.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep an eye on the growth and health of your herbs. Rotate or switch places if some herbs outgrow their space.
  • Harvesting: Harvest regularly to encourage fresh growth and to enjoy the flavors of your garden!


Herb spirals aren’t just an aesthetic element for a garden; they are a brilliant combination of design and function that exemplify permaculture principles. They promote biodiversity, utilize space efficiently, and create varying conditions for a range of herbs. So, roll up your sleeves, and give your garden the spiral of life it deserves!


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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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