The Good, Bad and Ugly About Growing Bamboo

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The Modern Homesteading Podcast, Episode 94 – June 25, 2018 – The Good, Bad and Ugly About Growing Bamboo.


Question For Today’s Podcast Episode:


April asks: Bamboo: pros and cons. I recently learned that it’s a breeding ground for ticks which would be enough for me NOT to plant it, but otherwise, I’d really like to. I’d love more info.


I Discuss:

  • The benefits of bamboo. Construction material, privacy screens, culinary, medicinal, charcoal.
  • The problems with growing bamboo.
  • Different types of bamboo. Over 1500 varieties. Running and Clumping.
  • Who might want to grow it? Those who have space and a purpose.
  • Who definitely wants to avoid growing it.


More info on clumping bamboo varieties –


Article demonstrating the potential problem of planting running bamboo on small property –


The Homestead Life:

A segment where each episode I share something that’s better in my life because of homesteading.


Berry harvesting season! I call it nature’s candy but it’s healthy. I love strolling through the homestead and grabbing handfuls of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and whatever else I can get my hands on. If I don’t eat them all fresh from the garden and some make it to the kitchen we make cobblers, pies, juice, jellies, and jams. My life is better because of berry harvesting on the homestead!



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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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