The Modern Homesteading Podcast, Episode 88 – June 4, 2018 – When Are You Too Young or Old To Start Homesteading?
Question For Today’s Podcast Episode:
Tanya asks: I would love to hear your thoughts on starting a homestead in mid-life. We are looking to homestead in the near future and we are a married couple in our mid-40s with a young son (4 yrs). People say it would be futile as we are too old for such a lifestyle. I think it could be an advantage in having the wisdom and forethought to homestead smart, not back-breaking hard, not break-the-bank hard.
When Are You Too Young or Old To Start Homesteading?
Homestead According To Your Strengths
- Physical Strength and Energy
- Knowledge and Wisdom
Know Your Limitations
- Financial
- Stay out of debt
- Buy as you go
- Time Management
- Physical limitations
- Livestock
- Feeding and Watering
- Moving and Controlling
- Processing
- Gardening
- Raised Beds
- Weed Control
- Watering
- Skills and Experience
Practical Ideas For The Young
Practical Ideas For The Older Folks
- You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise by Joel Salatin –
The Homestead Life:
A segment where each episode I share something that’s better in my life because of homesteading.
Being able to share all aspects of homesteading with others. From the knowledge of where real food comes from to the actual harvest itself, sharing the homestead with others has made my life better!