Is Modern Homesteading More About Slow Living or Hustle Culture?

Slow Living or Hustle Culture

Modern homesteading has emerged as a popular lifestyle choice, blending the old-fashioned charm of self-sufficiency with the conveniences of contemporary life. At its core, homesteading involves practices like growing your own food, raising animals, making homemade goods, and utilizing sustainable methods.

As this movement gains traction, a debate arises among modern homesteaders and to be honest, sometimes within my own thoughts: Is modern homesteading more about embracing slow living or succumbing to hustle culture? Let’s explore both perspectives.

Understanding Slow Living

Slow living is a lifestyle philosophy that encourages a slower, more intentional approach to daily life. It prioritizes quality over quantity, mindfulness over multitasking, and well-being over constant productivity. In the context of homesteading, slow living might involve:

  • Mindful Gardening: Spending time nurturing plants, understanding seasonal cycles, and enjoying the process rather than rushing to harvest.
  • Homemade Goods: Creating homemade products like soap, candles, or preserves, not just for utility but for the joy of the craft.
  • Sustainable Practices: Embracing sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, which often require more time and effort but contribute to a healthier planet.

Advocates of slow living in homesteading emphasize the importance of connecting with nature, appreciating the present moment, and reducing stress through a more measured pace of life.

The Hustle Culture Aspect

Hustle culture, on the other hand, glorifies constant work and productivity. It’s about maximizing efficiency, setting ambitious goals, and often working long hours to achieve them. In modern homesteading, this might manifest as:

  • Intensive Farming: Utilizing every possible moment to increase yield, experimenting with new techniques, and often juggling multiple farming projects.
  • Entrepreneurial Ventures: Turning homesteading skills into business opportunities, such as selling produce, handmade goods, or offering workshops and tours.
  • Maximizing Output: Focused on productivity and efficiency, sometimes at the expense of personal time and relaxation.

Proponents of the hustle culture in homesteading often highlight the rewarding feeling of hard work, the satisfaction of tangible results, and the potential for financial independence through entrepreneurial efforts.

Striking a Balance

The dichotomy between slow living and hustle culture in modern homesteading isn’t strictly black and white. Many homesteaders find themselves navigating a middle path that incorporates elements of both philosophies. Here’s how:

Striking A Balance
  • Intentional Productivity: Homesteaders can work hard and be productive, but with a mindful approach. This means setting realistic goals, taking breaks, and ensuring that the work is fulfilling and not just a means to an end.
  • Seasonal Balance: Understanding and respecting natural rhythms can help balance busy periods with slower, reflective times. For example, intensive planting and harvesting seasons can be counterbalanced with quieter winter months dedicated to planning and crafting.
  • Community Engagement: Building and participating in a homesteading community can provide support, share the workload, and enhance the joy of shared experiences and knowledge.

By integrating the intentionality of slow living with the drive and ambition of hustle culture, modern homesteaders can create a lifestyle that is both fulfilling and sustainable. This balanced approach allows for personal growth and achievement without sacrificing mental health and well-being.


Modern homesteading doesn’t have to be a choice between slow living and hustle culture. It can be a harmonious blend of both, where intentional hard work and productivity coexist with mindfulness and sustainability. Whether you lean more towards one philosophy or the other, the key is to find what brings you satisfaction and balance in your homesteading journey.


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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Laurie

    I think most folks who do any sort of homesteading get swept up in the rush at times, at least those who work with plants and animals. Planting and harvesting season are there for only a limited amount of time, and animals always need care. Hopefully it doesn’t get so busy that it swallows a person whole. (Been there, done that.)

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      Harold Thornbro

      It’s especially easy beyond seasonal homesteading to get consumed by it when one also homesteads as a business or even as a creator of homesteading contest. I personally have to be intentional about slowing down occasionally and not getting too caught up in the hustle.

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