Things To Consider Before Pursuing An Off Grid Lifestyle With Guest Teri Page

Today on the podcast we begin with our 30 days of homesteading Q&A where I have reached out to some of the best bloggers and podcasters in the homesteading space to answer your questions about homesteading.

Today’s question is “I’m thinking about pursuing an off grid lifestyle, what are some things I should deeply consider before taking any big steps towards this?”

Questions like this are exactly the reason I wanted to host these question-and-answer episodes because I’m not an off-grid homesteader and really don’t plan to be so I could never answer this question adequately. Instead, I passed this question on to someone who is homesteading this way and can answer your question.

Here to answer this question is Teri Page from with some excellent advice for the person considering an off-grid lifestyle.

Teri talks with us about many things to consider such as:

  • compliance to code
  • levels of off-grid living
  • off-grid life experience
  • Budget
  • Solar
  • Power
  • Water catchment and storage
  • Utilizing resources to gain knowledge

Check out more from Teri on her blog and her social media pages:

Resources mentioned by Teri:

Backwoods Solar –


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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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