Healthy Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Homestead

Not only is Spring a time to get started with our gardens it’s also the time we think about giving our home a deep cleaning after a season of being closed up. On today’s podcast episode I will discuss how to spring clean your homestead in a safe and non-toxic way that will make your homestead a healthier place.


Homestead Inspirational Quote of the Day:

“Get in your kitchens, buy unprocessed foods, turn off the TV, and prepare your own foods. This is liberating.” -Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin may be one of the greatest voices for the common sense of our day. I think he is so quotable because everything he says is what we know is right and what we wish we had said. Common sense aside he is also a brilliant hard-working farmer with a well-respected voice for the community of all those who want to see a change in the mentality of people and pursue a more sustainable lifestyle.


Homesteading Relevant News:


Homestead Updates:

  • Preparing small raised beds beside the greenhouse
  • Planting strawberries
  • Comfrey already growing full blast
  • Trying to be patient and not transplant anything to the garden


Main Topic Of Discussion:

Healthy Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Homestead

Commercial cleaning products aren’t required to have labels that list all their ingredients, though some companies do so voluntarily, or they provide the information on their websites. A label with the words “poison” or “danger” indicates that some ingredients are toxic if ingested; one with the words “warning” or “caution” means there are ingredients that could be dangerous if swallowed.

Safer Cleaning Products

Lemon Juice – Lemon juice contains a lot of acid, which makes it one of the best cleaners due to its low pH and antibacterial properties. They also smell great and usually do not cause damage on surfaces. Use on countertops, tables, cutting boards, microwaves, grout, etc.

Baking Soda – Great for absorbing and neutralizing odors and has some antibacterial activity, also has a mild abrasive quality for scrubbing. Use on floors, countertops, bathroom tile, tubs, copper, silver, etc.

Vinegar – A natural disinfectant, works well for removing lime deposits and some stains. Use on windows, microwaves, blinds, floors, tubs, shower doors, etc.

Olive Oil – Use on wood furniture, leather, wicker, stainless steel. etc.

Boraxis borax a safe cleaning product?– Use on porcelain, stainless steel, carpet, toilet, tile, tubs, sinks, linens, mattresses, etc.

Hydrogen Peroxide – Great disinfectant, has some stain removing qualities. Use on countertops, glass, anything that has mold, tubs, shower doors, porcelain, etc.

Salt – add to other products to increase scrubbing power and remove stains.


Cleaning Tools



Today’s Recommendations:


EdibleAcres on Youtube


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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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