The Modern Homesteading Podcast, Episode 92 – June 18, 2018 – Small Backyard Ponds: Advantages and Dealing With Potential Problems.
Question For Today’s Podcast Episode:
Tony asks: You have talked about your pond, and I definitely see the value it adds, however, I am concerned about the mosquito breeding ground it would create if I installed one. What do you do to keep them at bay?
I Discuss:
- The advantages to having a small backyard pond. Wildlife (frogs, snakes, and pollinators), growing water plants, microclimates, emergency water, and enjoyment.
- Different ways to install small ponds. Hardliner, rubber liner, plastic, bentonite clay.
- Other pond components. Pumps, filters, pipes.
- Beneficial features. Waterfalls, streams, bridges.Mosquito issues and solutions.
- Moving water, fish.
- Other potential issues. Moss, algae, unwanted wildlife, safety concerns.
Backyard Water Gardens: How to Build, Plant & Maintain Ponds, Streams & Fountains by Veronica L. Fowler –, Paperback: 176 pages – this book answers your questions about designing, building, maintaining, planting, and even stocking fish.
The Homestead Life:
A segment where each episode I share something that’s better in my life because of homesteading.
Being able to help others with their homestead projects both online and in person. This has truly become a great joy in my life, to know enough about what I’m doing and have enough skill in a certain area to help other homesteaders with their projects. These folks think I’m just helping them out but it really has made my life better as well.