The Wormcast: All About Vermicomposting

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In this podcast episode, I discuss composting with worms. Vermicomposting is a fantastic way to compost and provide valuable nutrients for your garden, here’s what you need to know to get started with your very own composting system.

Homestead Updates:

  • Treating rabbits for ear mites.
  • Decision time on whether to get a different truck or fix the old one.

Homesteading Relevant News:

UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World – This is an old article from 2013 but it has a link to a 300 page PDF called Called “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late” that I “mostly” agree with.


Hangin’ Out on the Homestead Front Porch:

Front Porch question for this week’s podcast episode:

What is one thing homesteading has brought into your life that you couldn’t imagine living without now?


Main Topic Of Discussion:


Why Do Vermicomposting


Build a Worm Bin

  • For a simple design start with 2 – 10 gallon or larger Rubbermaid bins or 2 simple 5-gallon buckets.
  • A better and more complex design is called a flow-through vermicomposting bin.

Commercial Worm Bins

  • The Urban Worm Bag
  • Can o’ Worms
  • Worm Wigwam Worm Factory 360

What to Compost

  • When you feed worms always try to add equal portions of greens and browns!
  • Greens: Vegetable and fruit scraps, bread, pasta, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, dead plant matter from houseplants
  • Browns: Paper, junk mail, paper egg cartons, cardboard, dry leaves
  • Try to avoid salty foods, citrus, spicy foods, oils, prepackaged foods with preservatives, meat and dairy products because they attract flies and can cause the vermicomposter to smell.

What Kind of Worms To Use

  • Red Wigglers

Maintaining Proper Moisture

  • Needs to be about as moist as a wrung-out sponge.Weekly feeding schedule

Maintaining Proper Temperature

  • Their optimal feeding conditions range from about 60 – 75 degrees F. Below 50 and above 85 and you risk worms dying.

Harvesting Castings

  • Depending on your design this can be a chore.
  • Basic bins should be harvested 2 to 3 times a year.
  • Screening castings
  • Harvest from a flow bin

Starting A Worm Business

  • Building Worm Bins
  • Selling Composting Worms
  • Selling Worm Castings

Today’s Recommendations:

  • Support a local food producer this week.


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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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