Spring 2019 State Of The Homestead

On this podcast episode, I chat all about the progress and plans as well as the successes and failures at our little Small Town Homestead.

I will also go beyond the homestead and talk about the Modern Homesteading Podcast and the Homestead Front Porch Facebook Group.

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The Modern Homesteading Podcast, Episode 123 – May 29, 2019 – Spring 2019 State Of The Homestead

The Garden:

Soil preparation has gone well.

What I have planted (or will be planting) this year.

A walk around the property at each bed (or future bed).

Trees and Berries.

Too much rain has caused me some issues.

Way behind on getting some trellises built and some beds built and planted.

Compost Production:

Kitchen compost

Larger compost system,

A new lawnmower with a bagger is beneficial.




Rabbit (breeding production, issues I’ve had, expansion)

Quail (incubation, brooders, expansion)

Fish (tilapia update)


Not much left in the pantry as far as canned goods from last year. Some beans, beets, and pickles.

Update on the Big Berkey water filtration system.

My review and personal experience with the Carey Electric Pressure Canner.

Always improving our cooking from scratch knowledge and skills

Continuing to learn more and practice with herbal remedies.

Continuing to make many of our household cleaners.

Overall Progress Toward Self Sufficiency, Sustainability, Freedom and A Healthier Lifestyle

2 steps forward 1 step back

Always moving a little closer to being debt-free.

Switching to electric cordless or manually operated.

Overall health seems good.

Updated 1 vehicle

State of The Podcast:

Surpassed One Million downloads a few weeks ago as best as I can tell.

Averaging about 2000 more listeners a week than last year, which means we are growing.

I will continue to do interviews, add and drop segments as I see fit, and do occasional solo shows that cover topics and information like this.

Having a lot more fun with it this year!

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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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