Homesteading Skills

On today’s podcast, I will give a brief overview of many homesteading skills worth acquiring and I discuss how one would go about learning some of these skills.  This is not a list of every skill a homesteader may desire to have but a good list of basics. Every person may not desire to acquire every one of these skills but they could if they wanted to.


I believe gardening in some form is probably the most essential skill a homesteader can develop. Many people consider themselves poor gardeners with a brown thumb but it is a skill that can be learned.

Large scale organic


Small scale organic

Container gardening

  • The great thing about learning this skill is that it can be done anywhere. Whether you live on a hundred acres or a small apartment gardening in containers is a great way to utilize spaces to grow things that might otherwise be unusable.

Indoor gardening

  • If you live in a place with a shorter growing season indoor gardening is a valuable skill to have. This is mostly about lighting, large south-facing windows are a great place to grow otherwise you have to use artificial lighting.

Seed saving

  • A great resource for seed saving information –


  • A method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.


  • A system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic animals supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purifies the water.


I believe knowing how to compost is an important homestead skill because it makes the most of what you have including your waste products. Compost is an important addition to the vitality of your soil and the nutritional value of your plants.


Hot composting 

  • Combining two parts high-carbon materials (shredded, dry plant matter such as leaves, twigs, woody stems) with one part high-nitrogen green plant matter (green plant and vegetable refuse, grass clippings, weeds, trimmings, kitchen scraps) in a pile approximately four foot cube and be kept about as moist as a squeezed-out sponge. The pile will reach temperatures between 110 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit and will need to be turned at least once a week.

Cold composting

  • This will use about the same materials but will not reach the high temperatures that will destroy seeds and will take a year or longer to decompose but it will not need to be turned.


  • This is the process of using worms to break down organic material and turned into rich organic fertilizer called worm castings.

Compost tea

  • This is a liquid solution that contains the nutrients and beneficial organisms of compost. It is made by soaking compost in the water while being oxygenated. 

Animal Husbandry

All aspects of raising and ethical care of animals from birth to maturity.


Small livestock

  • Chickens, Rabbits, Quail, Goats

Large livestock

  • Cattle, Pigs, Sheep


  • Bluegill, Crappie, Catfish, and Tilapia are some of the more common farm-raised fish.



Butchering your own livestock can be unpleasant work but a great skill to have if you desire to be self-sufficient.

Attend a workshop

  • It can be worth the cost of a great workshop to learn this valuable skill.
  • Volunteer to help someone with experience to butcher his animals.
  • Free labor is hard to turn down and just watching how it’s done can be a great way to learn.


Food Preservation

You worked so hard to grow it or raise it but you can only eat so much at once. Food preservation is a vital homesteading skill if you want to get the most out of what you have.



  • Water bath – Pickling, high acid fruits and jams, and jellies.

Q & A Podcast “Is It Safe To Water Bath Can Vegetables?

  • Pressure canning – Necessary for canning vegetables and meats.
  • Fermenting

Q & A Podcast “How To Get Started With Fermenting Food” 





  • This is one of the simplest ways to preserve food though with many vegetables blanching is important to maintain color and taste.

Curing / Smoking

Food Preparation

Preparing your homegrown and raised healthy food is an often-underestimated valuable skill. If you truly want to fall in love with the homesteading lifestyle then good eating is the way to the heart.

There are many great blogs, websites, and Youtube channels specifically focusing on cooking food right from your garden and meat that you have raised or hunted.

Water Security

There simply is nothing more important than plentiful clean water and sometimes it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Water security is a skill every homesteader should develop. 


Well drilling

Depending on your water table this may not be that difficult. There are many videos and online resources explaining how someone would go about doing this.



Capturing runoff is easy but it requires a little setup. Here is an article with a few ideas for setting up a DIY Rain Water Catchment System.



This could be anything from storing jugs of water in your home to putting in a large cistern for water storage. Either way, knowing how and setting up a way to store water is an important skill to have.



It’s not enough to just have water, you have to have clean water if it’s going to be used for consumption in any way. Purifying water is an excellent skill to have and a valuable one to have especially in certain situations. You should have a commercial water purification system in your home like a Berkey but it’s also important to know how to purify water in other more primitive ways using natural materials


This is a great skill to have and can provide hundreds of pounds of meat for your homestead, plus it can be a lot of fun.


Small Game 

  • Squirrel and Rabbit are the most common for meat.

Large Game

  • Deer, Elk, Moose, and Bear are the most common in North America.




  • Learn to Handle, Shoot, and Maintain

Field dressing



This is another great way to supply meat for the homestead and does require a little skill. It is something that can be learned though and will probably develop into a hobby you love.


Lure Fishing

  • Fishing with lures is something that takes some practice but can yield a great abundance of fresh fish and can be a lot of fun. Many people even enjoy making their own lures.

Bait Fishing

  • Using live bait to catch fish is easy if you figure out what they like to eat. Worms, minnows, bee larvae, and leeches are common live baits to use. You can also make baits from bread and cereal into dough balls which work great for certain fish like carp and catfish.

Cleaning Fish

  • Gutting, cleaning, and filleting fish are skills you are going to need to develop if you’re going to be a fisherman. It’s a little messy but when you put the fork to your mouth you will realize how worth the trouble it is.


This is a skill many people desire to have but are afraid to try because of the risk of eating something toxic. This is a legitimate fear but one that can be put aside with proper education and training.


Edible weeds

  • Youtube is an excellent resource for learning about wild edible weeds.


  • There are few mushrooms that are fairly safe for foraging such as morel or chanterelle but many are dangerous so make sure you know what you’re picking. Find an experienced mushroom forager to show you the ropes.




  • Apples, plums, and mulberry are common to find in the woods and make for a great day of foraging.


  • Walnuts are one of my favorites and expensive to buy but there are plenty in the woods. There are many others you can forage for, look for what’s common in your area.

Other Bushcrafting Skills

There are hundreds of bushcrafting skills worth learning for the purpose of preparedness and for fun. Here are a few of the most useful ones.


Youtube and books are excellent resources for learning these skills.

  • Shelter building
  • Tracking
  • Fire starting
  • Open fire cooking
  • Trapping


  • Make your own belts, bags, sheathes, slings, holsters, crafts, etc. from the animals you raise or hunt, making full use of resources.
  • Leathercraft Tool Set


  • Make your own tools, equipment, parts, or crafts using metal.

Get Started

  • Take a welding class at a local vocational training center
  • Online Resources – Training Courses, DVD’s, Youtube Video’s





Carpentry / Building

It seems like I always have a hammer or a cordless drill in my hands these days. Knowing how to build things is a very handy skill to develop on the homestead. For some this skill comes naturally I think but I also believe with practice it can be learned.

  • Start with small, simple projects.
  • Find someone with building skills to help you and show you the basics.

General Maintenance and Repair

If you want to keep your finely tuned homestead running without the huge expense of hiring people to do everything for you then you will need to learn general maintenance and repair skills.



  • Lawnmowers, generators, tractors, and vehicles all have engines and they occasionally need to be serviced and repaired. Learning engine basics can save you a lot of money and go a long way to helping you be more self-sufficient.


  • If you’re not comfortable messing around with electricity then this is the one thing worth paying someone else to do. But it’s also a learnable skill that when done correctly can be safe. This will require some training from someone with experience.


  • For some reason, this can be one of the most expensive things to hire out and quite honestly I find it fairly simple. This can be a very valuable skill to learn for when a pipe bursts.

Sewing / Knitting

I have to admit this is not one I don’t know much about but I would like to. This can range from sewing on a button (which I can do) to making all your own clothes, blankets, etc. (which I can’t do). However, I do recognize this as an extremely valuable skill to have when it comes to homesteading.

Make Household Products

Making your own household products is a valuable skill because it can save you a lot of money and provide you with healthier substitutes to the toxic commercial products.






Laundry detergent

  • A recipe for a simple inexpensive Homemade Laundry Detergent.




This is the study and practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants. A valuable skill to have when you grow your own herbs and medicinal plants.



This is one I hadn’t thought of until recently when it was mentioned as a skill a person was desiring to work on and develop. no doubt it is a valuable skill to have on the homestead.




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    Author, blogger, podcaster, homesteading and permaculture enthusiast. I have a passion for sharing what I learn and helping others on their journey. If you're looking for me, you'll usually find me in the garden.

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